Thursday, July 28, 2011

Solo Northfork of the Clearwater (aka Tom's Bachelor party)

I made a decision last week to make a solo trip to the Northfork of the Clearwater in order to clear my head and relax! It was also my pseudo-bachelor party...I never wanted anything over-the-top and this seemed to be right up my alley. Shoot, you all know me by now.

But, it began Friday morning with me having to clean cat urine off my dry bag. I had all my gear staged near it so luckily it didn't get "soiled." Tate is catching a lot of our stress...and consequently peeing on things. It's bizarre and we're hoping that'll be over once the 13th rolls around! Following that I went down to the label makers to straighten out a botched order and headed out!

The drive on the interstate was stressful for some reason (with all the people and whatnot) and I was glad when I finally hit Superior. Pretty quickly I was the only one on the road and felt 10x better...and my mood just kept improving as I got further and further into my old stomping grounds. Oddly enough, about 4 miles past Kelly creek is one of my favorite camps...and it was open!!

My driveway

The driveway is on the left...hidden camp.

See? Driveway on the right. HIDDEN camp!!

The approach.

After the final turn you can finally see my truck!

Even from the truck, the camp is hidden

My tent nestled on the sand under some big cedars

Ain't she purty!?

The dining room, kitchen, and living room.

I'm sure you can understand why I like this camp. It's quiet (except for the river noise), it secluded, there's NO ONE nearby,'s just plain awesome.

High water, looking downriver from camp

Upriver from camp

Well, I got everything set up and proceeded to wash my dry bag in the river. It still had a little "stink" to it. Turns out the river is high and cold, but it's an excellent washing machine!

Washing machine

I hung out for a very short while then decided to go fishing when I saw the hatch starting. I have a little honey hole down near the Bear Butte trailhead and it always produces. Sure enough, I must have caught about 12 fish in quick order. The finale was three fish in five casts...all over 14 inches! Perfect way to end the evening.

When I got back to camp I noticed some ATV tracks going down my driveway. No worries, he probably saw my tent and turned around...sure enough, that's what he did. But there was something in the middle of the driveway...something small, dark, and square. I turned the truck around and investigated. Turns out he dropped a lot of flies!

Unfortunately, they're hand-tied and not the best quality.

So, I watched the sun creep up the opposite side of the river and relaxed!

Classic view on the Northfork

Well, the night went well and I got up with the sun. I moved the chair down to the river and hung out in the sun for a bit. I wasn't entirely sure where to start with the day, so finally headed out on a drive down memory lane...which led me all the way to Canyon. There were people everywhere! Most of them had Washington plates (I only saw about three Idaho plates) and everyone had their fishing uniforms on. It just pisses me off when I see that do NOT need all the new gear and be loaded down to fish that river. Seriously, these guys were never very far from their probably took them longer to get "dressed up" then it did to fish a hole. And the waders? I didn't see ONE person further than five yards from shore...the water is that high. Geez, learn to roll cast and save yourself some trouble. (Gosh, I sound an awful lot like a snob don't I?)

But, all was good. I turned around at Aquarius campground and decided to fish my way back upriver. Hmm, it was noon by that time though. Many of the better spots and nearly all the turnouts had people in them. When I DID get down to the river, it wasn't that productive. Too hot, no wind, and not a lot of bugs on the water. But I splashed around for a bit and made it back up to my camp. Not really wanting to sit around, I kept going and headed up to Mush saddle. I don't know why, but I go up there every time I go into that country. It gets you away from people I guess.

There was a lot of Indian paintbrush blooming!

Vibrant flowers

Up on top I finally got into beargrass

Just kinda interesting

There's a fern field up there that I WILL go up to someday. I was going to jump up there and take some photos because those ferns will grow to about five / six feet. But, seeing as how our growing season has been screwed up, they were only about two feet tall.

Doesn't that just look inviting?

I'll bet there are some good views up there.

I headed back to camp and was just starting to think about getting dinner ready to go...

This photo is from the morning...but it was a standard occurrence.

When I heard some DEATHLY screaming coming from up on the main road! Over and over screaming. Without a thought, I grabbed the handgun and headed up there. I honestly thought someone was getting beaten up by a bear, and I wanted to be able to help. When I got to the entrance to my camp, there was a truck with four fellas in it coming down. They stopped and I asked them if that was them screaming. "Yea it was us man, we're just having a good time. Why are you packing?" I told them and the driver kept asking about the caliber and whatnot...then said, "We're just looking for firewood." I told them I couldn't help them and they took off. All of them were BLITZED out of their skulls.

But, as I was hustling up there I passed the truck and noticed my front passenger side tire was flat. CRAP. I remember continually thinking, "you should check the spare's tire pressure. Nah, what can happen to a spare under the truck?"

Hmmm, so after getting the tire off I pulled the spare down and THANK YOU LORD it wasn't flat!! Well, by this time the jack had sunk in the mud and I couldn't get the spare on. Okay...drop it back down on a piece of wood, get a rock under the jack, and put it up again. That did the trick and I successfully got the spare on. By this time it's about 8:30, but not wanting to take chances I checked my other tires. That's when I noticed the driver's side front was looking pretty low. I tried pressing my ear to it to listen for a slow leak, but couldn't hear anything over the roar of the river. After a brief consultation with myself, I made up my mind.

I THREW camp into the back of the truck and blazed out of there. With no other spare, I needed to at least be on the other side of the hill in Montana (if nothing else closer for the tow truck) if it came to that. So there I was cruising up Black Canyon in the dark right? (By the way it was pretty nice...NO ONE on the road...everyone hunkered in their camps.) I stopped to pee and when I finished my business I saw some black spheres on a bush. Imagine me, in the dark...with only the light of a half-moon...eating huckleberries by the side of the river. After a few seconds I thought, "Tom. This is retarded. You're hurrying to Montana because of your tire. GET A MOVE ON!" I must have been hungry and I still get a chuckle out of that little event.

Well, I was planning on camping in that big basin just beyond the pass (because it'd be a pretty place to be stuck if it came to that) but it was taken. So I made it all the way to the bottom before I found another available spot. It wasn't the best, but it was late enough I didn't care. I had thrown some sticks from the road in the truck on the way over, so I made a hasty fire and cooked some dogs for dinner. I was in bed in a hurry. (And the tire was still good.)

In the morning I putzed around for a while and then started organizing my stuff for the interstate trip home. That's when I noticed it. I had taken my spinning rod as a backup if I broke my flyrod. I hadn't touched it and it had just ridden around in the back of the truck. Until now. Someone had stolen my rod! I have a pretty good idea where it was because when I was fishing the day before, I was pretty far from the truck, but I heard a lot of cars on the road. When I got up to the truck after that didn't produce...I was digging around in the cooler and thought, "I COULD NOT have drank that many beers! Did I?" I remember checking my empties and thinking it didn't add up, but, whatever. So, all I can figure is someone stopped to raid my cooler and decided to acquire a new rod at the same time. SONOFABITCH. And the worst part? I had JUST bought that reel on the Selway trip....remember? An $80 setup gone. I would have never expected that from folks on the Northfork.

But, it seemed as though I had everything else and since there was nothing I could do about it, I made my way to Superior. I stopped and checked the tire before getting on the interstate...still good. Did I just do all that worrying for nothing? Ahh, it's better to be prepared.

So back on the crowded interstate and stressed out after being robbed and worried that the "CAUTION: ROUGH ROAD AHEAD" signs weren't lying. Well, they weren't lying and the road was rough. I kept pulling over and checking other pieces of gear that just happened to occur to me, "Do I still have my tripod?" Stop, check, yep. "Where's my good camera?" Stop, check, panic, find it, move on.

I was VERY glad to get to the top of 4th of July pass so I decided to ditch all the bad drivers and take the slow roads down the back. That helped calm me down and I made my way to Blue Creek to dump garbage (there's a dispersed dump site there.) That's when I saw this:

Blue creek bay FULL of boats. Redneck yacht club much?

Everyone was just anchored there...hanging out. Ugh, I am so tired of tourist season around here. I guess it just makes the fall that much better though, and the winters are very quiet and blissful!

I HAD been trying to wait until after the wedding to get new tires, but that wasn't an option now. So I went in there Monday and the guy asked if I had 2.5 to 3 hours to wait. Nope. Obviously everyone got flats that weekend. (And I saw plenty of them on the interstate, which didn't help my stress level!) So I was in there Tuesday morning and the gal said, "You'll be out of here in an hour." Sweet. My truck didn't move out of the PARKING LOT for an hour, then another hour to get $880 of new tires put on. Meanwhile, I'm starting to fume because I was surrounded by people MUNCHING LOUDLY on popcorn, constantly, for two hours. Add loud cellphone talkers to that and let's just say I was irritated.

But it DID get livened up by me getting to witness my very first high speed car chase. A red Dodge charger went blasting up government at about 60 a 35 (turns out it was stolen.) He was followed by about a dozen police trucks, cars, and motorcycles...bouncing over curbs, coming out of the woodwork and racing after this guy. Pretty impressive...but there were people in there that never looked up from their papers! Bizarre. I guess the cops gave up the chase due to safety (he was clocked at 100 mph in town) but caught up with him later that night.

All in all, I feel like I need a vacation to recover from that vacation. Tempting...oh so tempting.

But THIS sure was nice!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Cedar Boards

Remember the cedar boards I ripped off a downed log about a month ago? Well, I finally got them finished!! The more clear board is sanded on both sides and all things told, probably took about four hours of work to get it looking like it does. My new orbital sander is a dream and did it's job. I began with 60 grit to get the bigger saw marks out, then progressed with the sandpaper until I hit 320...the finest grit I could get for it. Following that, I threw a couple coats of clear lacquer on it then hit it with a 2000 grit sandpaper. A couple more coats of lacquer and it's so smooth it feels wet!

Overall, I'm pretty pleased with myself. The final product is fun to look at and it was a neat way to occupy my time.

The two finished boards.

The board on the left is basically how these started. That's a LOT of sanding! (Mind you, the other faces weren't that badly divoted.)

My pride and joy. This thing has been done for a couple weeks...doesn't it still even LOOK wet?

The backside of the good board. You can kinda see the shadows where the bigger saw divots were....especially on the top right.

Interesting photo of a knot and the grain

Bad lighting made this photo glow!


Meanwhile, the wedding planning is going smoothly. We have a full afternoon planned this Wednesday with a visit to the courthouse, a fitting for the tuxes, and we'll likely be picking up liability insurance that evening. (I was clued in to a website that'll give you $500,000 of coverage for $175. I'm all about peace of mind.) We're getting close to having most of the big stuff over and done with...which is a nice place to be a month out.

It's coming quick everyone! Can you believe it's already almost the end of July!!?

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Humor for the Day

This was too good not to post. That's one funky bear!!

Warning: the song will get stuck in your head!

Monday, July 11, 2011


On Saturday the 9th, Sarah and I decided to take a trip out to Cabelas to get some incredibly comfortable chairs and some shirts. A pretty simple trip right? Nope.

We were just about to the Pleasant View exit when we started noticing a lot of semi-tire pieces on the road ("gators" as the wide load escorts seem to call them.) So of course, everyone in front of us was slowing down and swerving. That's when we noticed one of the gators trying to stand up, then fall, stand up, then fall. SHIT it was a chocolate lab that's been hit! Sarah jumped on the brakes and got out to see what she could do. By this time, we notice another pointer mix that was milling around his buddy...and wouldn't respond to calling or whistles. I tried to get him off the road as Sarah went to assess the injured dog. There were a lot of people backed up by this time (think noon on a Saturday between Coeur d'Alene and Spokane in July.) Folks were generally being pretty good and we had a decent number of folks trying to herd the pointer as well as direct traffic to one lane. Well, the pointer just kept running west down the middle of the interstate so I left the chase and decided to keep an eye on traffic instead....that's when I noticed my angel wrapping the labrador in a blanket and begin carrying him toward the car.

We popped the Subaru's hatch and put the poor guy in there on Lucca's bed. Sarah mentioned some road rash on both his hips, a hurt leg, and the fact that he kinda crapped himself. (I would have done the same thing if I was hit by a car.) But he ended up laying there, then standing up and looking out the window....doing good and not whining which I thought was amazing. The gal that hit him was still milling around her car looking at us, so I went to talk with her. I told her we were headed to the Post Falls Animal Hospital and that we'd call her with any updates. She handed me her husband's card and said her number was on the back. (Of course, the husband owned "Touchdown Tuxedos" in Post Falls....what are the chances of THAT?)

Well, we ended up at the Animal Hospital and this guy didn't want to get out of the car....looking pretty scared to be out in the open again. But, despite the danger of getting bit, Sarah scooped him up and hauled him inside. The folks there checked his heartbeat and weighed him, checked for a micro-chip, got our information...then animal control came in. Sarah was asking if they were going to do x-rays or anything and they said no..."unless you want to incur the charges. Otherwise, we have to hand him over to animal control." Hmmm, odd...what happened to just doing the right thing? ie) At least cleaning him up. After confirming that he had more than three days for the owner to find him before they put him down, we left...promising to follow up on Monday. Unfortunately the animal control guy said they could only put him up and give him some pain pills. Can you imagine? A possible broken leg and all you get is some aspirin?

So obviously we were jacked up and rather disappointed in how things were playing out, but we made our way back toward Cabelas. There we bought everything mentioned and I had to pick up a nice North Face jacket under the "impulse buy" was a spendy coat. But, I now had seven shirts that didn't have holes in them, something that has been driving Sarah nuts. When the fella rang me up, the total seemed pretty darn reasonable for Cabelas...but I just figured those other $25 shirts were on discount. In the car, Sarah mentioned that the tiller's meter hadn't moved after the first shirt was scanned. I checked the receipt and found out that I had just acquired six shirts for the price of one! Hmmm.

I weighed the choice before me and realized this was a pretty significant decision. Was this our payment for helping the lab out? Or was this just another test of our morals?

What would YOU do?

I went back inside. I HAD to. I found the first available teller as the dude that helped us wasn't around, and as it turns out, she was a manager of sorts. So she called him up and I told her I didn't want to get anyone in trouble, I just needed to be honest for my own well-being. She kinda reamed him and he held up his hands and laughingly said, "That's the last time I touch one of those things." (So it obviously wasn't his normal job there...just trying to step in and help out.) She told him, "Well, I'm going to give him a discount for being honest." My hopes rose, until she said she was going to give me 10% off. Bummer, but at least it kept my remaining total below $100!

So things all worked out fairly well, but we were still pretty concerned about the dog. When we got home I called the gal up and told her what happened and she mentioned that she was going to go down to animal control and check on him. That was pretty nice (and darn responsible...a lot of people wouldn't give a shit.) I told her Sarah's plan for Monday and we said our goodbye's.

This morning I got a bizarre text from Sarah asking for my work's fax I gave it to her. Then she wrote, "I just sent you a fax. :)" I ran downstairs and found this:

A neutered male chocolate Labrador was struck by a car and presented to the emergency clinic by good Samaritans Tom Elliott and Sarah Kaufman (employee of Mountain View Veterinary Clinic.) ...Animal Control took responsibility of the dog after arrival.

At presentation the chocolate lab is in good weight with abrasions to both hind limbs, worse on the right. The right hock folds and seems rather unstable suggesting tendon rupture. He can bear weight on it and is moderately painful to palpation of the limb. Heart and lungs auscult clearly. Mucous membranes are pink and moist with good refill time. No bruising in the ventral abdomen and no suggestion of a fluid wave or pain pain on palpation.

(Now the best part)

Animal Control took the dog to a holding facility. A few hours later the owner arrived and claimed the dog.

Awesome!! Now I'm just hoping they took him into a vet to get a full workup. Who knows, maybe the owners will give us a call to let us know he's doing fine. I've already called the lady that hit him and left her a message sharing the good news.

All in all, some good feelings came out of both situations.

Unfortunately, Sarah was on a run Sunday morning and heard a THUMP followed by a yowlp yowlp yowlp and turned around to see yet another lab rolling on the pavement in front of a car. Fortunately he got up and ran into an open hotel door, "yowlping" all the way. I guess he looked fine...just a little scared.

Lucca's going to be under a tight leash for a while, I can tell you that.

Thursday, July 07, 2011

Self Potraits and Other Things

Well, I set up the trailcam again this past weekend. Looks like the herd is back! Here are some funny photos from the past week.

Kinda a goofy pose

Looks like a lot of party photos

This just makes me laugh

So as I was walking in there this afternoon, I bumped one spike and then just hunkered down for a little bit. Pretty quick I noticed the bigger bull up the hill from me about 50 yards away. I stayed there for a while and just watched him mosey around and eat...but then kinda wanted to get going. So after the spike crossed in front of me and took off (warning NO ONE else by the way) I started eeeeasing up to the bigger bull. Got within 20 yards before I just started walking. He ran up the hill about 50 yards and just stopped broadside and stared at me. Hopefully he's still running around this fall. By the way, after this photo was taken he walked up to the camera and moved it a full 90 degrees. (That's why the photo above is a different angle.)

The bull I spent some time next to today...about the same distance even! Pretty cool stuff.

OH. And as I was walking out of there, I spooked something VERY big, VERY close to me in the brush...I'd say what, four yards away? It made such a racket just getting going that I actually started running away to gain some distance! I honestly couldn't tell if it was coming or going. Never done that before, but after seeing this photo, I wasn't taking chances. Luckily (I assume it was her) she went DOWNHILL and I went UPHILL. Ugh, gonna just have to start packing every time I go down there.

Cutie calf