Wednesday, January 11, 2012

January Flyfishing!

On the 7th of January my duck hunting partner, Jason, agreed to take me out to learn how to fish nymphs with an indicator. And, pardon the pun, I'm hooked!! Talk about a neat way to fish, and it's just about as addicting as steelheading. Something about watching a float go by you in the river just waiting....waiting....waiting for it to go under water is hard to walk away from. Even at 33 degrees and one leaky leg of some borrowed waders kept me out there for a solid four hours....and I only hooked one whitefish!! Jason got two gorgeous cutthroat, which kept me interested in remaining there as well.

I think I was using a size 28 nymph at the time which is the tiniest fly I've ever had tied on my line. Think pencil tip size!! All in all, it was a pretty good day.

But now it's getting even colder and we're hoping the ice forms back up. Already talking about going to a little frost-pocket of a lake Saturday morning....but, we'll see. I've been playing an awful lot lately.

Jason fishing the Kingston hole

Believe it or not, the water DROPS off right beyond him and he's darn near 7 feet tall!

The side channel is often overlooked


Friday, January 06, 2012

Driving Pains

Boy, sure is slow around here anymore. SO, I've thought about this list for quite a while and I finally put it together. These are very common issues around here that DRIVE ME NUTS. (Ugh, even that unintentional pun bugs me!) I find myself driving around repeating what seems to be my mantra anymore, "I hate people." After reviewing my quick 62 point list, I don't think I'll ever be able to live in a city.

Now remember, these all have happened to me. Some on a daily basis. There are a few that seem the same, but they have very slight differences. And the funny thing is I can ALMOST ALWAYS anticipate what dumb thing someone is going to do before they do it. The sad thing is when I'm wrong and they actually act politely...then I just feel bad for being so negative.

Hopefully no one sees this as an attack or of me "whining." I simply wrote this stuff to occupy some time and have a bit of fun. With that, in no particular order (obviously, it's all over the board) here we go! Now that I'm going through it, I'm going to highlight in red text what I encountered driving around YESTERDAY.


1.) Turning left and not getting in the turn lane
2.) Hitting the crosswalk button when I’m the only vehicle coming down the road (couldn't you just WAIT?)
3.) Hitting the crosswalk button at an intersection, then proceeding to jaywalk making all the traffic wait for the lengthier light
4.) Jaywalk SLOWLY across the road
5.) Getting tailed only to have them turn off at the next street from where they entered.
6.) AS SOON as the aforementioned person turns off, to have someone else enter and proceed to tail me.
7.) Driving extremely slowly and NOT pulling over to let traffic by
8.) Bicyclists using the sidewalk and running red lights (especially if I’m turning left. Who’s going to get the ticket if we collide, me or them? Yep, ME.)
9.) Bicyclists riding side-by-side on narrow roads
10.) Bicyclists riding in the middle of the road downhill (less than the speed limit.)
11.) People entering the interstate only to take the adjacent exit less than 100 yards away
12.) Not moving over for traffic accessing the interstate
13.) Not turning brights off
14.) When folks roll though an intersection with their blinker on, then honk their horn after I pull out in front of them (thinking they were going to turn)
15.) Getting tailed at 0400 in the morning on a dirt road
16.) Shoot, getting tailed on a dirt road at ANY time
17.) Not signaling to turn
18.) Hitting the turn signal after the turn is initiated

19.) MEANDERING OR LINGERING at a green light only to make it so only THEY can get through the light
20.) MEANDERING through a light while I’m yielding to turn left
21.) Holding up traffic to turn left onto a one-way street (even though the left lane is completely open)
22.) Opening car doors without checking traffic
23.) Stepping out into traffic (jaywalking) from behind vehicles and then giving ME the dirty look for almost hitting them
24.) Waving me through the 4-way stop (even though they have the right-of-way) only to then tail me (happened yesterday ya'll. No kidding.)
25.) Stopping in the middle of a road on a blind corner to look at eagles
26.) Not slowing down AND/OR not looking right and left at an uncontrolled intersection.
27.) Not yielding at a yield sign
28.) STOPPING at a roundabout for no reason (treating it like a four-way stop)
29.) Not signaling on a roundabout
30.) CRAWLING through a roundabout
31.) Cruising a parking lot to find the closest space (worse if it’s at a sporting goods store.)
32.) Not paying attention to traffic or pedestrians when cruising the parking lot
33.) Backing up from a parking spot without looking / paying attention
34.) CRAWLING over speed bumps (worse if they’re driving a truck.)
35.) Parallel parking on an extremely busy street when side streets have plenty of parking spaces
36.) Passing me on the interstate before I can get into the turn lane to go around the slow car, forcing me to slow to a crawl (most common on passes behind semis.)
37.) Slowing WAY down on corners then going ridiculously fast on straight-aways
38.) Using ME as the pilot car (and usually tailing me on the straight-aways) in bad driving conditions while on the interstate
39.) Tailing me when I’m going the speed limit through a construction zone
40.) Driving 20 mph under the speed limit on a major road just to look at the water (think Coeur d’Alene lake drive or the Lochsa river…for some reason it’s ALWAYS near water.)
50.) Tailing me at 0600 when we’re the ONLY two vehicles on the road
51.) Cutting me off when I’m the only vehicle on the road
52.) Pulling out of side streets before I can even pass through the intersection
53.) Obviously staring at their phone and texting rather than watching the road
54.) Talking on the phone while driving (a given anymore)
55.) Pulling out in front of me when I’m the only vehicle on the road and going slowly causing cars to back up behind me, then turn off the road shortly thereafter….leaving me with someone tailing me
56.) Not waving back after making eye contact
57.) Bizarre increased traffic when it’s sunny out and a decrease in traffic when it’s raining.
58.) Parking so close to me I can barely get in / out of my truck
59.) Braking HARD before exiting the interstate
60.) When there are four people at a four-way stop all waving each other through, only to have one car start, then stop. Another car starts, and then stops. Continue.
61.) Driving in my blind spot, worse when on the interstate approaching busy on-ramps
62.) And finally, driving like an asshole until there’s a cop around. THEN, driving like a saint.

Wednesday, January 04, 2012

Fun Stuff

Well, I've been packing the canoe around for the past week or so and decided to take some photos before I took it off. It fits perfectly and rides really well, even on the interstate! But having a canoe on your truck in December gets some weird looks. I've had exactly six different (strangers) ask me why I was canoeing this time of year. I guess most people consider it a fair-weather sport. Funny, most of my time in the canoe over the past 10 years has been during some kind of hunting season!

Perfect length

Doesn't even hang over the hood too much.

On an unrelated note...I got quite a bit of flak over buying a 20 lb turkey for a Christmas dinner for two. I didn't really realize that was SO MUCH turkey. We've done well though, darn near to the soup stage.

But just look at it's splendor!

After six - seven hours, it was finally done!

Ahh, one of my favorite things!!

Tuesday, January 03, 2012

Duck Hunting 2011

I'll just save you the suspense...I didn't fully connect with any ducks this year.

*sigh* It's just hard NOT to get so excited when they're coming in. They always seem super-fast, but they're also a BIG it's always a mystery when you can't hit them! I DID pull off quite a few feathers a couple weeks ago, so I know I at least hit once...even if it was in the rear end. The weird thing about THAT duck was that it flat out disappeared! I don't know what it did, but two mallards came into the decoys, I picked out one and shot, then only saw ONE leaving. Who knows, maybe he turned tail and flew straight away and I just payed attention to the wrong duck.

But overall, it's been a pretty fun season! I'm definitely hooked again, and if for nothing else than just getting out after the general hunting season closes!

Lately, since the chain lakes froze up, we've been working on a bay off Coeur d'Alene lake. It gets MINIMAL activity so it's a pretty nice area. The only trade off is that it's a solid two mile paddle in. (Getting the Jon boat in the water this time of year would be a pain because the water level is very low.) But, my brand new lumber rack is definitely serving it's purpose and I have a pretty good method anymore for getting it up there and secured. I can even do it solo, but help is definitely appreciated.

So there have been quite a few mornings of getting up at 3:30, on the road by 5:00, putting in at about 5:30 and then paddling for an hour in the dark. The water was typically glass-calm and the stars have been brilliant. EVERY paddle I've made in there I've seen shooting stars...and one morning I was able to see seven within 30 minutes. We'd paddle through on big bay, cutting off some mileage, and usually once we round the point we'd be putting up gobs and gobs of geese (it's still so dark you can't see them.) That's pretty fun, listening to (what seems like) hundreds of birds starting their morning commute. Shoot, one morning I even had the privilege of hearing a loon!

We've got two spots we'll set up in, one stays in the shade ALL DAY and is just downright cold, but you can see much more of the lake from that vantage. We were just in there yesterday and had (what is likely to be) the last and very best day of the duck hunting season. No, not because there were a lot of birds...because there were none...but because of the OTHER things we saw.

So there we were, right? Sitting there after a 30 minute paddle (we had a nice breeze helping us along) and watching an eagle fish about 100 yards away from us. We watched him pick up a fish and then perform a very entertaining hover-land on a piling. He then proceeded to eat the fish...and then take off to get another. This time the hover-land wasn't really seeming to come together for him and after two unsuccessful tries, he flew over and behind us. All of a sudden, I could hear a lot of wind on his feathers as he flew close and then another odd sound. It sounded like a large rock shwissshing through the air. Then it hit!! KERSPLASH!! This eagle had dropped his fish in our spread and then came swooping down. The only thing we can think of is that it dropped the fish to try and make the birds (decoys) move and then was going to pick one off. We'd seen him diving at some other ducks (divers) and they'd all skitter out of the way. Perhaps he was irritated that these birds were so bold? Or, maybe he just "dropped the soap" and thought it a loss.

Well, we're sitting there talking about that and some time went by. Over off to our left there is a big frozen mud flat...leading to solid ice, to thin ice, then to open water. Repeat on the other side but in reverse. A yearling doe came screaming down from the hill, onto the mudflat and just running flat out. I didn't even get, "What in the world is..." when the first coyote that was chasing her was on the flat. Then another coyote came down! The doe got to the solid ice and fell, floundering around on the ice while the first coyote caught up and watched her. At this point, I had my safety off, planning on shooting at the coyote (never fired a shot though.) But then I figured, "No, this is nature. This is what happens." That rapidly led to, "But I personally don't have to sit there and watch this happen." The doe finally broke through and started breaking ice and bounding toward the open water. Meanwhile, the coyote backed up and joined his buddy. They seemed to get together, consult, and come up with a game plan. Both Jason and I were up at this point, planning on trying to help get the deer out of the water and cut off the dogs. By the time we got on the flat, the coyotes had left and the doe had made it to the other side. She tiptoed on the ice and then just stood on the mud panting. She SLOWLY started making toward the other shore and then paralleled us as we headed up the creek channel as if she was keeping us between her and the coyotes! I have never really wanted to kill a coyote, but at that point I was wishing I had had a rifle with me. Hey, I'm part of the environment too! If I want to intervene, I will.

Since we were up, we went on a walk up the mostly ice-covered creek and checked out all the beaver lodges and big game sign...making plans for a hunt next September. Imagine an early season bow hunt, using a canoe, in a wetland. Sounds like fun to me! Well, we found a patch of open water that held some ducks. Jason was ahead of me by about 20 yards and I whispered at him, "Jason, get down! Ducks RIGHT THERE. Four mallards." At that point I just hunkered to watch the show. He got up and fired three shots. One hen fell, that looked dead...but then got up and ran into a hole in the bank. It was further than we could reach, so had to fashion a hook out of a stick and yard her out of there. Again, kinda sad, but it was over quick.

After that, we went back to the decoys and had some coffee. It was only 1130 in the morning! Well, we hung out for another hour before heading out. A large, low, black cloud was headed for us and we sunk those paddles deep to battle the wind. And sure enough, rounding the last bend to the launch we found about 30 mallards, maybe 40 geese...all on private property and way too close to houses. *sigh*
Oh, and when we were 40 yards from the dock, the water became glass and the "storm" dissipated. After we got gear transferred and Jason took off, I went on a drive to watch the incredibly impressive sunset over the mirror of Coeur d'Alene lake.

So, no ducks or geese, but like always, I had a heck of time!