Friday, June 11, 2010

Something I'm going to start doing...

I had to share this and proclaim my new mission in life.

There's a road I use frequently and a couple weeks ago I noticed something spraypainted on some rocks at a relatively good viewpoint of the lake.

What the hell? (Viewing west)

That's what I thought it said!!

View to the east

View southeast...not too shabby.

Kind of risky business given the proximity to the interstate and this goat-trail of a county road, but to blatantly identify where you did your business is interesting. Why did this Tom (not me I swear) choose to a.) crap here and b.) decide to monument it? It's also a shame that key piece of rock fell off. I thought about finding it and rigging it back up, but decided to let nature continue it's spring cleaning.
Doesn't matter, because I will now follow suit. So if you are wandering around in the woods and find a rock in a secluded corner with a symbol that looks like a capital T and E mashed together, do NOT flip the rock! I will document each site by this symbol and acquire my exact GPS position. I will then host an Internet site that will hold the coordinates and situation of each "time." I envision this will become a strange game of find Waldo mixed with geocaching.
Invite your friends and neighbors, bring the kids and the dogs, and make a weekend out of finding the elusive "Tom shit here" markers!
You're trying to figure out if I'm serious or not aren't you. AREN'T YOU!? mwahaahaa!