Friday, February 06, 2009

Fired up

Again, not much to report. Been working hard and working too much for my own good. Too much?...well, maybe not. Perhaps it's just enough to keep me going strong. However, it's just enough to irritate me to the point that I have little patience for incompetent people. It's just enough to make me realize that I need an outlet OUTSIDE of work to release these dreams of verbal beatings. I say verbal, because anything otherwise will never come to fruition...I'm just not like that.

I could bore you with stories that I should probably write down, just for the sake of remembering them for the future. But I likely won't.

But what I CAN tell you is that the snow has been terrible...which equals no desire to snowboard. I injured my foot running on a TREADMILL which makes me feel like even more of a wuss than you can even imagine, but I'm staying off of it...which is good. The ice has been sketchy, so I haven't ice-fished this year like I thought I might. The Clearwater is four hours away...add a camp..and it makes steelheading a tough go. (Especially since I'm committed to shooting on the trap league every Sunday.)

Consequently, I have NO outlet for any kind of work-related pent up anger/frustration that comes at a day to day basis. No way (at least on a weekday) to let loose and get it out. I say on a weekday, because shooting on Sunday really helps. Anyone who has shot a gun, and shot it often, will find...however "redneck" it might be an incredible stress reliever. On the same is ice-fishing.

Overall, I am simply TIRED. I am tired of the people bitching about their jobs and how busy they are, and how they aren't "funded," and how they don't have the TIME to do this or that. I hate hearing that they cannot give me a good estimate of what they need of me (causing me to do things over and over) because they cannot learn a simple program. I work with people who's JOB it is to do things I did for a LIVING the three years prior to working here. When they say a certain task will take "at least a week" I know it only takes 30 minutes. And then to come bitching to me that "we're just faking it so we can give it to you to deal with." (Honest, it happened.)

The company I'm working for is falling apart at the seams. And it's not just the people and the lack of experience involved. It's the commitment and the responsibility that goes along with it. I see so often that people sign out as working@home. We do almost all of our work on our computers can you "work at home" when your computer is sitting idle at your desk? How can you come in at 1100 to 1400 and still claim that you are, "so stressed that you can't sleep at night..." and consequently come in and work a 4-hour day, leave, and at the end of a payperiod...have Friday off? How IS IT that I can't do that when I'm working 8+ hours a day and BARELY making a full day off after two weeks of that?

Where is our leadership? Where is the person who will stand up and cry, "BULLSHIT!" It's time to cull the herd. I'm so frustrated I can't even think straight. I'm tired of taking up the slack of people who cannot get it. People who cannot learn to adapt, change, make do, figure it out...shoot, whatever you want to call it. Like a colleague said the other day, "Either shit or get off the pot."

The following shows a guy who is a master at saying what I desperately want to be able to convey at work.
(give it time and let it load so you can get the whole feeling without's about six minutes and has a lot of cussing so play it when you can safely.)

Thanks Dad for finding the link. Perfect.