Tuesday, September 18, 2007

September weekend

Well, sorry to say, I have no photo record of anything I did this weekend. But it was eventful and fun.

It began early Saturday morning when I went in search of grouse. I had to think about this a bit, the .22 pistol (the norm), the .22 rifle (close runner up), or a shotgun (never thought of.) I opted for the shotgun, just for a challenge. My thought was that I would walk some closed roads and flush birds, to shoot them on the wing. Ok. Digging around for shells was a waste of time. No shells. So luckily Black Sheep was open that early (the only sporting goods store that was fyi) and I picked up a couple boxes.

Heading out to a new area to me, I found some roads to walk, which quickly ended within a mile or so. No grouse. I found a grouse FEATHER though! It is very dry here and I think these critters are hanging tight in the bottoms. But, by now I have spent a couple hours out and was done. I headed home and collected the mountain bike.

So I went mountain biking. Which turned into a good trip! Close to town, but fun. There was NO ONE on the trails!

After that was a walk in downtown CDA, on the boardwalk, and to Craig's store (a guy from work.) Yea, he works for the Forest Service AND has a store downtown. Good guy.

Then, on Sunday, I was up early and did a little road hunting for grouse. That didn't pan out and I didn't want to go too far, so I made a loop, got my fishing gear and headed to the lake. I grabbed the boat and took it to Fernan Lake. First trip out with this boat alone and I was stoked. Managed to get it in the water, get the motor started, and got cruising around. Well, I was playing and opened it up. A little wave or a gust of wind twitched me, which twitched the tiller, which sent me into the gunwale! Of course, the first thing you do is to pull on what you have your hand on...bad idea with an outboard. I went into a spin, with the throttle OPEN, and thought for sure I was going to lose it all. I finally regained control, then slowly idled over the other side of the lake, thoroughly embarrassed (if anyone saw it.) So then I trolled. Caught three 12" rainbows, laid in the boat and generally had a great time.

I finally decided to get in and put a willow stick on the trailer (so I could tell where the center was) and got the boat loaded and back in storage. I'm new with all this trailer stuff, so I was pretty proud of myself. Instead of cleaning like I was GOING to do on Sunday, I had a great time. And consequently fell asleep after coming home until dinner time. Nice.

Pretty slick weekend overall.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

If you are reading this....

Please bow your head.

I have nothing more to say about this at the current time.

Sunday, September 09, 2007


My "garden" is finally fruitfull! Very nice! Only now, I must find things to do with them all. I'm thinking some sun-dried tomatoes sound pretty good. And it looks like they will produce for a little bit yet.

Ready, and more to come!

All the cycles

Interesting closeup

Umm..more tomato shots


Monday, September 03, 2007

Simple Labor Day weekend

Yes, the weekend was simple. Went to Priest Lake and drove boats around. The fish were all very deep and without downriggers, we were essentially screwed. So we dropped into some resorts on the water...to "fish" is what they told their wives. On Sunday we got my little Jon boat in the water and fired it up. It's a big motor for the boat, so we trimmed it a bit, and the things SCOOTS! Very fun. Imagine a Jon boat going 25 mph...interesting! Had a great time, and now I know the boat can do it's thing. Plus I learned a thing or two about trailers...like how you can't see them without a boat on 'em. That would be tough solo! Zimmer got so fed up he finally just grabbed the thing and hauled it to where it needed to go. Whatever works!

Zim doing 40....he likes going fast

Just a little wake

Butch and Zimmer cruisin'

Priest Lake