Wednesday, June 27, 2012

St. Joe 2012

After a couple busy weeks, Sarah and I decided it was finally time to get out and do some camping.  Despite the terrible forecast calling for severe thunderstorms we valiantly headed to the St. Joe for an extended weekend. 

It was a fairly uneventful trip, but that suited us just fine.  The sky ended up being bluebird for most of the trip and we both came away with some decent sunburns!  As always, it was hard to come back to "civilization."

Camp at Spruce Tree.  (We finally used the big tent as we thought it was going to POUR.)
Another view

Lu dog chillin.  I like how this is a dark photo.

But here's a better one
Er, camp again

Yea, we were in a campground.  A HORSE camp.  But it was darn near empty and had a lot of room.

Hey look, flowers!
The river upstream from camp.  Tough light for photos that morning.
Yep, just a trail.

More flowers
Sarah enjoying the sun and reading

These critters folded up at night
Again, I like the light

Lucca is a little camera shy
Come on!  Look at me!


Keeping an eye on Mom
We had one decent fishing hole near camp.  The water was FAST though.  Had a huge fish take a look at my muddler, but only came away with two landed.

Small waterfall across the river

Sarah and Lu wading in the frigid water.

Trying to capture the elusive purple sand

And Lucca trying to eat said purple sand
So all in all, not a whole lot to report.  However, we were able to take some awesomely goofy photos on Sarah's camera.  When I get those I shall put up an amendment to this post!