Thursday, July 07, 2011

Self Potraits and Other Things

Well, I set up the trailcam again this past weekend. Looks like the herd is back! Here are some funny photos from the past week.

Kinda a goofy pose

Looks like a lot of party photos

This just makes me laugh

So as I was walking in there this afternoon, I bumped one spike and then just hunkered down for a little bit. Pretty quick I noticed the bigger bull up the hill from me about 50 yards away. I stayed there for a while and just watched him mosey around and eat...but then kinda wanted to get going. So after the spike crossed in front of me and took off (warning NO ONE else by the way) I started eeeeasing up to the bigger bull. Got within 20 yards before I just started walking. He ran up the hill about 50 yards and just stopped broadside and stared at me. Hopefully he's still running around this fall. By the way, after this photo was taken he walked up to the camera and moved it a full 90 degrees. (That's why the photo above is a different angle.)

The bull I spent some time next to today...about the same distance even! Pretty cool stuff.

OH. And as I was walking out of there, I spooked something VERY big, VERY close to me in the brush...I'd say what, four yards away? It made such a racket just getting going that I actually started running away to gain some distance! I honestly couldn't tell if it was coming or going. Never done that before, but after seeing this photo, I wasn't taking chances. Luckily (I assume it was her) she went DOWNHILL and I went UPHILL. Ugh, gonna just have to start packing every time I go down there.

Cutie calf


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Awesome pics! Crazy how they come right up to the camera and check it out. I'm sure you'll have some good luck with the bow this year.


6:00 PM  

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