Thursday, August 31, 2006


I have recently moved to Idaho. Yes, the king of elk country! HOWEVER, I will not be eligible to be an Idaho citizen until AFTER hunting season.

Bummer for me.

Good news for elk.

I know I know, I didn't kill anything last year. BUT, the chances are better here. I have moved onto the Idaho Panhandle National Forest...but better yet, the St. Joe and the Clearwater. Next year promises moose, elk, deer, turkey, bear...essentially everything. And it is all accessible...some tougher than others...but nonetheless...they are here.

SO, this year, I shall travel an hour to get to where I can hunt. Haven't scouted at all up on this side of western Montana, but I plan on using the bugle a lot and figuring it out from there. Not sure about you, but I like exploring while I hunt...probably kills my hunting prospects...but I like it more. Shoot, if the hunting is bad, the exploring will be we all win! Plus it means a lot of camping, which I'm a fan of...even though my cat wouldn't agree...since it means she won't go out as much, but...what can you do right? It's a cat.

I actually forgot what weight of broadhead I was shooting! So I went to a new sporting goods store and bought 125 grain replacement blades...which of course do not fit in my 85 and 100 grain heads. Yea, so rather than go back and get my money, I was so pissed that I just went online and bought another 18 of both 100 and 85 grain replacements. Hell, if I ever decide to go to 125, I'll have the blades. Winner on all sides. Right. Mainly I'm just lazy.

Been practicing bugling, been shooting the bow in a field behind a parking lot for a marina close to home here. (I have no yard now.) I will leave when they tell me to. "What? I can't shoot here? I had no idea sir!" Stupid Montanans...they know NOTHING! ;)

As it goes, I'm still very deadly at 25 or less yards. Just the other day I saw four deer grazing where I was shooting. So I can't be making THAT much of an impact!

But anywho, this is an introduction to the hunting season. New territory, new elk, new responsibilities...and a new girlfriend. The bummer about this whole thing is that she is leaving the wilds of Montana on the 12th of September to better the folks of Peru with her knowledge and skill with the Peace Corp. We are all still trying to figure out how to live without her. I figure I shall quell the tears with spending a lot of time in the woods and thinking. Woods don't let you down in that department...usually get a lot of time to think about life and what you really need. Hey, if you feel like learning about HER journey, check this blog out:

It will prove to be very inspiring I'm sure. She is truly an incredible person and a great writer to boot. Ties in well with this hunter.

Otherwise, I shall be a resident of Idaho in the hope to get into some spring turkey. Shoot, this blog might be a year-round endeavor anymore!

It's rapidly approaching!