Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Deer Update

So using my super-cool GIS skills this morning I brought up a photo and traced the road I used on the drag out. Looks like it was a half-mile drag versus a third of a mile! I must have been hustling right along pulling that critter.

Uhm...I went up to Butch's place yesterday afternoon to begin cutting. After FINALLY getting all my stuff set up, I went outside to cut off the front shoulders. Again, within 10 minutes I touched...touched...that Buck knife to my thumb knuckle and whammo! SUNUVABEECH! So there I was, bandaging myself up...dripping blood all over Butch's shop. Luckily I had brought my own "trauma kit" (i.e. = Tom just cut his hand with a knife again kit), so had enough gear to sufficiently cut off ALL the blood to my thumb. I noticed that after 30 minutes or so when I couldn't feel my thumb...so had to re-bandage.

Now, in my defense, the woodshed is dark and cramped. Combine that with awkward angles and cold fingers...it gets easier and easier to knick yourself. But then again, I don't seem to have much respect for my left hand no matter where I am. I'm beginning to think my right hand has a personal vendetta against it.

After a couple hours I took down all my stuff to get the shop back in order....so all told, I didn't get much done. I'll be back up there this afternoon to finish up, hopefully taking my time and NOT cutting myself again. Overall it doesn't look like I'm going to get very much meat out of this deer. There is the same amount of connective tissue as a bigger animal, but with less meat attached to it. I'm being meticulous per my routine and I'm hoping the hind quarters will have a little bit more substance to them.

Timing is a little more critical now as our "winter" is performing the same way it always does in CDA. All that snow is basically gone and it is POUNDING rain. On top of that is the all-t0-familiar windstorm predicted. Not ideal conditions to store meat in...

Oh, and just to clarify, that last photo in the previous post was just like that. I wasn't posing to say thanks, I had just happened to close my eyes when the timer tripped...but it seemed like a fitting image to tie up the post. Just so you know.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

That'll be tasty doe!
Have a good Turkey Day and Bday!

6:17 PM  

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