Tuesday, July 08, 2014

2014 Huckleberries

After a full weekend of fishing, sanding trim, pulling up ocean spray roots, buying and putting up sliding "slab" doors in the closet, and trying out some plumbing work...I went on a drive.  You see I was frustrated because the slider doors on that final day have a "sticky spot" near the middle on the rails.  So, you open one door and both slide...juuust enough to make a perfectionist irritated.  All in needs is to be bent out, but I didn't want to take the door off just then.  Okay, leave that alone and go to put in a new stopper in the sink.  I took the trap off and got to the part of putting in the stopper, well, it had been left alone for so long that the interior rod had rusted off!  Grrrr, I even tried to steal that piece from the little bathroom but couldn't get the trap off and no tool to do the job!  Put everything back together.  Oh, and discover the fridge is still leaking.  (By the way, I ordered a new drip pan for it since ours was cracked.   No matter how much silicone I tried to put in there would get the full extent of the crack and is only a temporary fix...I finally figured, just do it right Elliott.  Did you know those things, a little plastic pan for a popular (cheap) Kenmore fridge would run $23 from Sears Parts Direct?  Oh, and the "flat rate shipping" is about $8?  And the flat rate shipping, ordered today...for parts IN STOCK....is expected to arrive July 21st?  And the soonest a repair guy could come to the house was the middle of August? (If we had gone that route.))  I'll tell ya, I'm not real impressed with Sears at this juncture.

So there I am, on a back road listening to music checking out some areas I had seen a lot of huckleberry bushes a month ago when...Noooo!  Really?  I bounced out of the truck and took a closer look, sure enough, ripe huckleberries!  All I had was a hat and that worked just fine for about a pint of berries.

Then I picked a little bouquet of daisies and Indian paintbrush and headed home....excited to have a different kind of "work" on my mind.  It's been tough, ever since getting this place I'm having a hard time relaxing there.  I sit on the deck for awhile, listening to the birds and then I see this, or that, or that over there, or I want to check on that.  Pretty quick I'm like the tasmanian devil from bugs bunny cartoons zipping from one project to the next.  Finally I wear myself out enough that I call it good.  I know it probably drives Sarah nuts, but at least I'm out of her hair!

Yesterday after work, we decided to ALL go up the hill in the hottest part of the day and meditate a little in the patch.  We were there for almost an hour before it was very much time to be home and out of the sun.  From the looks of it we got what...almost a half gallon if I was going to be honest, and a little over a half gallon for a sporting lie.

Sarah's patch

Nice shady spot

Hot puppers...she ate them occassionally to keep "hydrated"

I'ts been nice and hot here.  After a lot of rain in June (2 inches?) it should be a good berry year!


Ooh, and check out the quarter-round trim behind the berries!  Yep, after one failed color of stain, we have them all re-sanded and now have a stain and a method to get them to match perfectly!

This is just some other stuff that's been going on....

The peas are doing good, they were the first things to get planted this spring.  We're finally getting some that are ready!

You can almost park a Jon boat anywhere

Overnight catfishing.  Butch and I just slept on a beach

Nice sunset that night
Can you see the fish down there?  Mostly just a head with a tail so I let him go.  This was an early morning (4:30) catch.

Garden is doing well and so far no deer inside the fence!

This time I was smart and used the pickup to pull the ocean spray stumps out.  (I'm making a loop for turning around.)

Fish creek is near the house.  It's where I've been taking Lucca to get cool in the heat of the day.

A different day...fish taking the bait

First big catfish!
(Okay, I had to throw those last two photos in just because...but that was a couple weeks ago.)


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