Monday, April 27, 2009

Cabin Fever is an understatement

Well it's that time of year isn't it? The skiing is waning, trap shooting is done, the lower elevations are releasing the snow...but the roads into the woods are still impassable. The transition from winter to summer (elsewhere known as "spring") is trying to occur. I say trying because even though it is the end of April, we are still forecasted with potential snow.

The weather in itself makes it tough. It's Mother Nature's cruel joke to seemingly have endless blissful, sunny days on Monday through Friday...then hit us with crap on the weekend. Ahh, no worries. We still get to enjoy about 10 minutes of sun on the weekdays because somehow, right after work is when the weather moves in! That all is a bit of an exaggeration...we have had plenty of nice afternoons and weekends; from time to time. However, if I hear anyone else say, "Well, if you don't like the weather in North Idaho just wait five minutes!" Hmm, seems like no matter where you are you can always hear that little quip. I like my Dad's better, "Yep, springtime in the Rockies." That one-liner can apply to anywhere in the Rockies which gives the true credit to where it is due.

OKAY! The solution to springtime in the Rockies and cabin fever is PLANNING! Sarah and I sat down a couple of weeks ago and made a list of all the things we are planning to do this summer. The list is extensive and full of backpacking, camping, fishing, berry picking, and generally just getting out! For example, just last Friday she took me to a Yonder Mountain String Band concert over in Spokane. It was a good time...lotsa dancing made the hours fly by. I even have the stub to prove it!

My evidence

And, coming up very shortly will be a four-day Sarah Kaufman Birthday Extravaganza to the Oregon coast! Basically the plan is to drive for a day and hopefully be able to put up in a hotel at Seaside. THEN, rally for two days finding good beaches and hikes...possibly camping on the second night out. Followed by beating feet back to home and work.

Oregon Coast (somewhere near somewhere...I forgot. I lifted this from the Internet.)

After that, the annual rafting trip will take place in Desolation Canyon in Utah. I FINALLY bought a ticket to Denver and will hook up with Zach there. We will begin driving the next day and meet up with Paul. It's turning into something like five days on the river with a layover day and a couple travel days thrown in there. From the frequency that Paul does the float, I'm guessing this is just an incredible stretch of river...the BLM guy I talked to when trying to pull a launch actually recognized his name off the top of his head! And hopefully what Paul said is true, "You probably will only need some shorts and a t-shirt; sandals and boots." I guess it can get pretty warm down there that time of year. I am ready!

Uhm...I'll reiterate the caption I guess...Desolation Canyon.

If nothing else, planning help take one's mind off the never-ending drudgery of life during the winter/summer transition.

And I applied for a GIS job in Granby, Colorado. I still need to talk with some folks down there about that, but, just so you know.


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